Operating Systems : The Processes
Operating systems basically is a layer between the complex hardware and the application(interface) that users are familiar with. Operating system is a basic fundamental unit for multitasking or multi-operating. For example, I am typing this blog, while listening to music. So my OS is currently tasking out two processes. I have seen many people getting confusing Operating system with kernel. Basically kernel is the heart of the OS, with utmost basic facilities. When we add more utilities to it, it becomes a OS. For example Linux is a kernel , but when we add utilities like a text editor, compiler etc, it becomes an OS like Ubuntu. Examples of different Operating Systems are: 1.Windows. 2.Linux 3.Android 4.Mac and many more... A process is technically defined as unit of activity characterized by execution of sequence of instructions,a current state and associated state of system resources. To put in simpler words a process is anything that can be assigned...